The Mirror Pool: Sights And Insights – Reclaiming The Isle

The Mirror Pool: Sights And Insights – Reclaiming The Isle

by Seer Matron Elisa In the Avalonian Cycle of Revealing, each of the Goddesses has domain over one or more of the full moons of the yearly cycle. The Yearly Cycle always begins with the holy day of Calan Gaeaf and Ceridwen, and we celebrate the first four moons of the year with Her. This…

The Mirror Pool: Sights and Insights – Hearthkeeper

The Mirror Pool: Sights and Insights – Hearthkeeper

by Seer Matron Elisa Greetings, Sisters! Riding the wave of last month’s full moon, the Moon of Initiation (the first moon in the Avalonian Cycle of Revealing), we now welcome the next moon, the Moon of Distillation, and draw a new card from the Avalonian Oracle deck to guide us. We also continue our work with Ceridwen. Ah,…

Journey to the Garden of the Goddess

Journey to the Garden of the Goddess

By Gaia Woolf-Nightingall Let us to gravitate into the inner realms of our divine hearts and enter into the garden of the Goddess, the divine wellspring within, to dance to the cadence of She who is of Infinite Skies, to the God Herself. Find for yourself a comfortable,warm position seated or lying down, closing your eyes,…