
By Carole Weave-Lane

Upon a moonbeam the Goddess Rhiannon

Stood upon the wings of birdsong

Enchanting the rocks in the mountain to part

Liberating the wild herd

Silver flanks and manes flyin’

Hooves that pounded with ghostly precision

Silver on the wind


Wild  their eyes, tails broomstick stiff

Frothing at the mouth,

Galloping down the mountain side

Through the hamlet of sightless dreamers

Snorting sea spray in the wind

Silver on the wind.


Padding on the black rocks so sharp

Leaping into oblivion

Captured by the seas so wild

 a cauldron of seething ribbons

As  Rhiannon flew amongst them


Drifting upon birdsong

Becoming one with the herd

All in perfect motion

riding on the waves

With haste the birds did rise, their wings all a flutter

– winging north where magic beams

Silver on the wind


 Fae, the Goddess Rhiannon

who magicked a Portal ‘ere so wide,

so the mists would engulf them

With haste the wild horses did whinny

sweet sounds of joy de vivre

leaping boldly with perfect sequaciousness

silver on the wind.


C Weave-Lane, The Hidden Parchment 2011 (copyright)

Photo from the works of Aria Amanda Hannam, March 2021, used with permission.

About the author:

I live in Perth, Western Australia by the Swan River in an old home with two cats–one is Dumbledore, the other Salem. Also, Storm the female Doberman. I spend a lot of time in our huge garden beloved by two ravens and walking by the Swan River and in the Wetlands. This is where I create and dream–thus, my stories reflect this.

I have been an English teacher most of my life, transferring to Natural Therapies and Past Lives. Now in my later years, I write stories. My first one, The Hidden Parchment, was set in Bournemouth, Dorset, Cornwall, Ireland, and a little in Glastonbury (Avalon), and Rhiannon was a part of it. The Mists of Avalon led me to Glastonbury when I was living in the UK, where my daughter was born, and my passion for the Tor has remained with me, and I see Gynnn Ap Nudd sitting upon a rock, guarding the entrance to the Fey. Weave is my craft name, and it fits as I love to weave and create. Blessings on your day.

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