One Woman’s Thoughts – Part 6
One Woman’s Thoughts
By Susan Morgaine
Freedom is an illusion
We are tied by tradition,
chained by charade,
stymied by society
We are held back, pushed down,
shut up, demeaned,
defiled and defrauded
Do this; don’t do that
Say this, don’t say that
Behave like this, not like that
We might give you this,
but we’ll take that back
Don’t speak your mind,
speak mine
Thoughts of your own?
Keep them to yourself
Do what we say,
dress as we say,
behave as we say
Dying inside?
We don’t care
We always get our way
Freedom is an illusion.
Susan Morgaine is a Daughter of the Goddess, Witch, Healer, Writer, Yogini. Her writings can be found at her blog at,, The Girl God Anthologies, “Whatever Works: Feminists of Faith Speak” and “Jesus, Mohammed and the Goddess”, as well as Mago Publications “She Rises, Volume 2. She has also been published in Jareeda and SageWoman magazines. She is a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach/Facilitator through Imagine A Woman International founded by Patricia Lynn Reilly, , who has long been involved in Goddess Spirituality and Feminism, teaching classes, workshops and groups within MA and RI. She can be reached at
Editor’s Note: This is the last part in a six part series. You can view part five here.