
Avalon Rising

Sharon Smith

The Trees said, “Avalon will rise again.”
A spark flashed in my soul.
Small flecks of heat.
A warmth spread out within me,
The embers fanned by the morning breeze

Rustling through the canopy overhead
Until the fire roared.

Whatever could it mean?

“Avalon will rise again.”

The very idea,
A Magickal whack upside my head.
Avalon, isle of Morgan,
Witch-Woman paradise,
Land of the Mythical and Mystical.

“Avalon will rise again.”

The spiritual center of the Old Religion,
The place where this world and the Otherworld meet.
Isle of Apples.
Red, juicy fruit associated with
A Woman’s “sin”…
Why have I been so damned hungry for apples lately?

The Old Religion calls.
The Goddess in Her many forms sings Her song as
Her Daughters, near and far, hear the Call to Avalon
And dance for joy.

“Avalon will rise again.”

SHE is rising.
We are rising with Her.
The Fertile Isle where apples always hang from the boughs,

Ready to be eaten…savored…
Let the sweet juice run down your chin.
There is no “Woman’s sin”…

Avalon is rising again…
The Womb Isle of the Great Mother.
Place of Birth, Life, Fecundity…
Place of a Woman’s Magick.

The Trees told me, “Avalon will rise again.”
I believe them.
They know things we have long forgotten.
So I will wait.
And look.
And listen…
How will I know when it happens?

Somewhere, there is the sound of an Apple falling…
Can you hear it?
It hits the ground and Magick springs up.
A Snake slithers ‘round it…
Stops to flick its tongue at the red skin.
The bones of The Grandmothers rattle in the Earth…

Avalon is here…

Sharon Smith is a writer and editor for Girl God Books. She has a passion for helping women discover their authentic Voices and Selves through meeting the Goddess in Her many forms. With a deep connection to Nature, she identifies as a Green and Forest Witch and walks an eclectic path that is a blending of Native American and Celtic spirituality, both in her near and deep ancestral lines.

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