Journey to the Nine Morgens
by Aurora Moon Beam
The point of my story is to show how someone like me, coming from a conventional, patriarchal, and military (read heavy masculine) background, found her way to the Divine Famine, the Magic Isle of Avalon, and the 9 Morgens. It was a journey led by magic and other energies, but only once I started believing and crediting my imagination. The imagination is one of the quickest ways to the soul!
I was raised a Roman Catholic, from a Polish/Lebanese family of origin (so nothing relating to the Celtic, at least in this lifetime!). Very traditional, old-fashioned, and conventional. God was a man with a white beard in the sky.
We prayed to HIM, to the Father.
Funny thing is, I remember being the worst at memorizing prayers when I was forced to go to Sunday school. So that ensued with beatings from my mother, since one needs to learn their prayers by heart and be ready for Holy Communion. I just hated all of it and could not stomach it. I literally had stomach cramps of a magnitude that I could not get out of bed, out of fear of what would happen since I truly was not “getting it”. I could not memorize these prayers, and I really disliked the Church. I was 6 years old. Was it my subconscious or deeper knowing already rebelling and recalling that I belonged to the Goddess?
As a child, I remember reading Enid Blyton stories of the children who would climb into the trees to play with the Fairies. They mesmerized me. I felt and internalized those stories, and re-read them over and over. That was when I was round 8-10 years old. Then when the Harry Potter world came online, I was again in my element. Magical realms, fairies, dragons, and great power.
Fast forward into my twenties and thirties when I began doing yoga, and then studying to be a yoga teacher, where I began learning about the Goddess in the Indian tradition, through the likes of Sally Kimpton. So Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. I began doing the rituals and celebrations of Navratri, the Nine days to the Goddess. It felt good, right, and made sense. I also began studying the elements through Ayurveda; so the earth, fire, water, air, and space elements, and also embodying them through my yoga practice with Shiva Rea.
All the while, I felt an inner calling, longing or wishing to understand my deeper purpose, or a feeling of connecting to my soul’s purpose on this planet. I was so over the masculine world I was working in, and all the conventional stuff that was around me. I kept reaching out to mediums and psychics to see if they can shed light. I had readings with the like of Ainsley Mcleod, Cindy Dale, and RJ Stewart… all icons in their own right. I gained huge insights, but nothing truly gave me the answers I needed. So I stopped trying to force the issue and instead started trusting my imagination.
And then, from somewhere and nowhere, now into my forties, the word Merlin came into my head, and I began thinking, wondering, and daydreaming about the wizard. At the same time, I started an odd fascination and deep resonance with all things Scottish, English, and Celtic. I watched the funeral of Queen Elizabeth twice. I also began watching the series on Netflix called Merlin. And so I googled him on the internet and somehow found my way to Morgen la Fey. And then I kept reading, looking, and sleuthing through blogs, and watching some movies, and even getting a reading with a lady who claims she channels Morgen la Fey. Of course, I was drawn to Arthur. I felt I embodied all three in this weird way. I did not know their connection in the legends.
I then began further looking into these stories of Arthurian legend, and their origins, and they stem from the British Isles, and Celtic culture, and they are all connected! And sure enough, that led me to Avalon. And from Morgan le Fay I was led to the Nine Morgens, the sisters on the isle. The sisters who are skilled in mathematics, astrology, shapeshifters, scholars of anatomy and physics, sensual and beautiful and able to travel between realms… Their names are Moronoe, Mazoe, Glitonea, Gliten, Cliton, Tyronoe, Thitis, Thetis, and Morgen la Fey.
So I have remained there, working on cultivating my relationship with the Morgens, with the Divine Feminine, with the Dark Goddesses, with the Fae, with the Elementals, and with the other Realms. All this with going beyond just personality and the ego, but into the mystical and powerful currents of the soul.
I have seen fairies – well, what I think are fairies – when on a zoom call with Merrily Milmoe. She has many fairy houses in her house and has pictures on her website, but I was calling her for an intuitive reading, and instead these crazy flying things kept flying on the screen. Some might say it is a figment of my imagination, or just light reflecting, or some glitches whatever, but I am on zoom all the time, and have NEVER seen anything like it. I asked Merrily if she had a mirror near her, or something that may cause those flashes and quick lights zooming. She said she did not, and said in all her years of calls, she never had anyone see fairies, but it does not surprise her they appeared in my case. There you have it.
So here I am. Now pursuing my own studies in Sacred Magic, the Divine Feminine, as well as the path of the Druids. This is my spiritual path that I have been searching for my whole adult life. This is my calling. It has taken me over twenty years of unguided and unfocused interest, and the last three years have been a real focused search coming from my own heart, and a following of the breadcrumbs to lead me to my faith, my soul, and my calling.
So for those who are still following the breadcrumbs, or have a deeper inner longing and knowing, don’t give up and keep believing. The key is to be very aware of your own special code or connection: meaning go beyond the surface and follow what your intuition is telling you. Three years ago, I had zero clue about Avalon, and if you told me about the Nine Morgens, I would not have a clue what you mean. My journey to the Nine Morgens did not happen instantly (although for some it may!), and it was not obvious. It was an unveiling and uncovering, one small clue at a time. I had to keep believing and hoping, and this was hard, as no one around me, at work or at home, were followers of the Divine Feminine, or the magic of the Fae, or Avalon. So stay the course and believe in the Magic. It really exists and carries you through.
We truly need more of the Goddess energy on this planet. If you want to connect, I offer intuitive wisdom calls or just calls to converse, just like in the old days when one would sit with the medicine woman. We all have a deeper inner wisdom and calling, and we often can’t get there on our own. Keep believing, look for the magic around you and know there are others who support you on this important work you are embarking on. Shine on and so mote it be.
Aurora is a board-certified holistic health coach, yogini, and Rest Doula. She specializes in an earth-conscious, feminine approach to women’s health, empowerment, and spiritual wellbeing. She is devoted to the undoing of patriarchal conditioning, and helping women free themselves into their most majestic versions, on their own terms. She is devoted to the Nine Morgens of Avalon, Sacred Magic, and is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. Find her on Instagram at @9morgensofavalon.