Ancestor Walk

Ancestor Walk

  Nos Calan Gaeaf Ancestor walk Gaia Woolf-Nightingall   Find yourself a comfortable position, you may wish to sit or lie down.  For a few moments, we are going to sit and notice our breath. That life-giving action that we barely pay mind to as we go about our daily lives. Bring your…

The Way of the Earth

The Way of the Earth

The Way of the Earth  A journey to the aspect realm of Manifestation by Gaia Woolf-Nightingall Sitting comfortably, close your eyes and take a gentle cleansing breath in and release. As the air flows in and out of your nasal passages, focus your awareness on the life giving oxygen, as it enters your lungs,…

Journey to the Garden of the Goddess

Journey to the Garden of the Goddess

By Gaia Woolf-Nightingall Let us to gravitate into the inner realms of our divine hearts and enter into the garden of the Goddess, the divine wellspring within, to dance to the cadence of She who is of Infinite Skies, to the God Herself. Find for yourself a comfortable,warm position seated or lying down, closing your eyes,…