

by Rhosyn Gwyn

I once lived
amidst the clouds
in lofty limbs
that held me close.
I touched the sky
without waxen wings.
But I, too,
have plummeted
fallen and disgraced.
The honorable tower above me
casting down their dead and dying.
And here I lie
among the reeking wreckage of decay
searching for the stars
that once serenaded me
with the secrets of the universe.
But obscurity surrounds me
as I become part of dismal destruction.
And I sing.
I sing my life, and my love.
I sing the song of the universe
as my heart breaks
but not in grief
or in death.
It breaks open to begin.
To grow anew.
To find the sunlight once again
with up-stretched arms.

Rhosyn is a mother, a daughter, a sister, a story teller, and a singer of songs. She has been following the Avalonian path since 2014.

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